Thursday, December 10, 2009

Grenoble, France August 16, 2009

Grenoble was a city we would have wanted to explore more than a day. When we walked around, there were markets in the square and people were just so friendly. You would see them talking and hugging while they shop while the husbands of shopping wives look on and wait to carry bags and packages. What a wonderful relaxed life to walk around and see your friends around town. The funicular was a fun ride up the mountain with a great view of the city. The hotels were less expensive than in Geneva and a much nicer city to walk around in. You have the lake in Geneva but you have the mountains of rocks around Grenoble. Spectacular drive in the evening as theyhave some mountain faces lit up at night.

Exploring Switzerland

We drove from Pompaples to Geneva but we liked Lausanne better than Geneva. We tried to stay at a hotel in Geneva but it didn't feel as safe as when we were in Zurich or Lausanne so we headed out of Switzerland to Grenoble, France.

Pompaples - Home of My Ancestors

We got to go where the Bonzons are from - Pompaples. My great, great, great grandfather came from here. We got to meet Francois Bonzon from Pompaples. It is a quiet farming town and Francois told us that the biggest clan is still the Bonzon clan.

Birthday week with Anita and Beat in Zurich

It was so nice to be home with Anita and Beat for my Birthday. Zurich is a home away from home. We went to the children's park, to the lake and around town. I love feeding the birds by the lake but the big swans were a bit aggressive. Hope to see Beat and Anita again next year.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber - August 10, 2009

Feeling Christmas in August. We loved going around here. So many charming shops and buildings. It is a huge medieval town and some parts are car free so you don't have to worry about walking around. This is the town that inspired the setting for the Disney animated movie "Pinocchio" and also the Japanese Anime, "Sugar a little snow fairy" and "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang". I also started to read, "Princess Bride" which I could not put down. Now I have to watch the movie. Walking around you'll see a lot of shops with toys, miniture houses, crafts, etc.. I even enjoyed freshly squeezed apple juice while resting in one of the many alleys you can go down on.

Lueneburg - August 8,2009

We didn't get to spend much time around Lueneburg but it looked bigger than Lauenburg. Some of the buildings in this town had this false facade to make it look to like there are more inhabitants in the area - very useful to make groups who want to make trouble with the town think twice.
This town was luckily was not bombed in WWII.

Lauenburg - August 7, 2009

We passed by a small town on the way to Luneburg called Lauenburg. It was a memorable drive in Jennes' Benz since we reached a speed of 230kph- the fastest we have ever gone ever on the autobahn. It was a smooth ride. Germany is wonderful with all the small towns that are so quaint and fun. We can just wonder around there forever.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Lubeck - August 7, 2009

Wonderful town to stroll around in. Although it was bombed in WWII, the town is built up now and is quite charming. St Mary's church has a curious story about a devil who was helping build the church and realised it wasn't going to be a bar and was about to destroy it with a boulder but was convinced not to on the promise that they were going to build a wine cellar close to the church. I heard this is a nice place to visit during the holidays. Too bad I am afraid of the cold but I do love Christmas. Don't forget to get Marzipan from here. They are really yummy.

Staying with friends at Lutjensee - 2nd Week of August

I stayed at Lutjensee at my Suzanne and Hans Peter's place in the country, 45 minutes from Hamburg. Their daughter's names are Laura Eva and Romy Anna. They were taking horse riding lessons and I went to watch them. I got to brush Romy's horse. They also lived close to a lake where we would swim and play in the sand. We made a little canal and had barbeque one afternoon. I loved playing with them and I love watching them sing and dance, especially the "Fly like an eagle" song.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Around Berlin July 30- August 4, 2009

In Berlin, we took the trains and walked everywhere. We went to a lot of museums and saw a lot of buildings in the city. I loved going into city and eating blue sky donuts at dunkin donuts, going to the craft market to see paintings, posters, embroideries, decorations, etc...

Nefertiti's famous bast at the Berlin's Egyptian Museum was a special treat. The picture gallery at Potsdamer was also wonderful with famous painting of well known artist - my favorite was Lucas Cranach on the fountain of youth. The Potsdamer mall is also a well know place in Berlin where movie starts go to to open their shows. Lord of the Rings was opened here and Peter Jackson came here with the cast.

We saw a poster of Michael Jackson around town for his concert but he died before he could do it. See my sad face. I have been singing a lot of Michael Jackson songs but especially like "Thriller".

Street lights have this famous go figure- very Berlin.

Friday, August 21, 2009


The Pergamon Altar was my favorite exhibit at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. I like the marble frieze of different Gods vs. the Giants. Also liked the Ishtar Gate and was amazed at the hermaprodite statue in the Greek Garden sculptures.

Wittenburg Germany

There were a lot of mosquitos in Wittenburg (pronounce W like a V) so we said, "We were bitten in Wittenburg." This was the place where Martin Luther lived and taught. We went to the church where he posted his 95 these, his house and looked around his hometown in Eisenach. If you are going there, bring your mosquito repellant. The audio guides were more for adults a nd not that exciting but I asked my dad and mom to explain it to me. It wasn't as kid friendly as the Lincoln Museum in Springfield. I do love the doors they have at the Melanchton's House which can open on the top or the bottom half.

July 28th - Germany, our first stop

Wartburg Castle is where Martin Luther hid after speaking against the wrong doing of the Catholic Church like indulgences. Indulgences is when people can buy forgiveness of their sins. The corridors were small and I also remember Luther's bedroom where he translated the bible to German and also started the protestant church. St Elizabeth also had a room in the castle. She was the one that did the Miracle of Roses. One day she was carrying a basket of bread under a blanket to give the poor people, and her husband, the King, didn't like her doing that. So he asked what is in the basket. She said, "Roses" and when he opened it, there were roses instead of bread. Her room was mosaiced in gold colour and was very beautiful unlike the plain simple one Luther had.

Lake Geneva Wisconsin

Tubing was fun but I was scared in the beginning but when I saw Bailey and Lauren doing it, I decided to give it a go. We had to wear lifejackets, goggles and our togs of course to go tubing.

My dad tried it too and he fell off and got back on again and fell out again. The water was cold but not freezing. After tubing, we just swam around the dock.